On Holidays and Befriending Beautiful MonstersSo Much to Love, yet So Much Hate..........Thoughts from Jishin and others Holocaust Memorial Day was Jan. 27 just passed, but...
Not- Knowing “When we sit in silence, we make contact with the reality of not knowing. This is the place where we have the opportunity to let go of...
The Power of IntentionThe subject today is “The Power of Intention”. This was a subject suggested to me for discussion. I, of course, immediately thought of...
Sitting In PainTo start I want to recount a situation I had early on in my sitting practice, after a few short retreats I decided to go on a week-long...
More Essentials of Zen PracticeFour other essentials of Zen are silence, discipline, ritual, and study. These elements give us a great structure to really ‘be’ and my...
Dropping Off Body-Mind“Through consistent meditation practice, we will begin to recognize the separate self as a fiction, and we will begin the experience our...
Suffering and Sadness are Part of Being Human (part 2)Is there an escape from hardships? I doubt it. Is there a way to face hardship with some degree of equanimity? Pema Khandro addresses...
Suffering and Sadness Are Part of Being Human (part 1)One thing I’ve learned in my practice is that there are no guarantees – with perhaps a major exception. That is that we will all face...
When Called, Just ComeI was recovering from a three-day flu. I had congestion and a nagging cough. Hurricane Elsa was on her way up the Gulf. It was raining...
Remembering Our True HomeAs prisoners most of us are touched keenly by how unpleasant and stressful daily living can be. When we were free, our desire to attain...